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Michigan: How to Care for Your Lawn in September

September lawn care in Michigan

September in Michigan is a great time of year. The hot weather begins to cool, college football season kicks off, and it's the perfect opportunity for backyard barbeques and outdoor entertainment. Instead of being jealous of your friend's yard down the street, why not make this the year that your lawn is the envy of the neighborhood?

September Lawn Care

While Bermuda grass lawns can make it through the hot days of summer without losing quality, most fescue lawn varieties need time to rejuvenate and replenish. Regardless of which category your lawn falls under, September is the perfect month to spend time in the yard. For those with cool season lawns - Kentucky blue grass, tall fescue, and fine fescue - it's especially important. The jobs that really need addressed include aerating, fertilizing, planting, and over seeding.

  • Aerating. For lawns that take a beating during the summer months, aeration is important. September is the perfect month for aerating and can improve the air exchange between the soil and air, enhance fertilizer consumption, reduce water runoff, loosen compacted soil, increase heat stress tolerance, and develop resiliency.
  • Fertilizing. September is also the ideal month for fertilizing. Cool season lawns need to be fertilized with a pound of nitrogen per 1000 square feet. It's best to do this both in September and again in November.  
  • Planting. Notice any bare or thinning spots in your lawn? September is the ideal month to plant new seeds in Michigan. Start by pulling weeds. Next, prepare a proper bed, and then plant. For best results, keep bare spots covered with a light mulch or straw to ensure the ground remains moist until the grass is fully established.
  • Over Seeding. To get thick, lush, colorful grass, you'll need to over seed your lawn in September. This is simply the process of adding seed to your lawn without affecting the condition of existing grass. It can improve density, fill in bare spots, and enhance color.

CD Lawn Maintenance & Supply

September is arguably the most important month for lawn care in Michigan. If you have never considered aerating, fertilizing, planting, or over seeding your lawn, now is the time to do so. At CD Lawn Maintenance & Supply, we can help. We are known for high quality work, dependable service, and competitive prices. For more information and a complimentary estimate for your lawn, please contact us today! We would love to help your lawn become the envy of the neighborhood.

Tags: lawn care

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